Indicateur de pesage externe HGD

16’ Character Size

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HGD external indicator is a product that aims to display the weight information in industrial weighing indicators in different areas.

It allows the value on the screens of weighing indicators to be displayed on a larger screen and at a different point.

It can be used in crane systems, truck scales, silo storage systems, in any environment where weight information is desired to be seen externally.

You can easily see the weight information from a distance with 16 inch character size.

HGD external indicator can communicate with all indicators in the world.


  • Industrial Weighing Applications

Display: 16×64 Dot LED
Connection: RS232
Casing: Painted Steel and Stainless Steel
Energy Source: Vin : 5 VDC | Power : 50 W | Lin : 10 A
Temperature: -10C ~ 45C , 85%RH

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