Indicateur de pesage électronique T8

Precision Weighing

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The T8 Weighing Indicator offers an ideal solution for precision weighing and measuring applications.

It stands out with features such as wide input range, high speed update, high resolution conversion and easy-to-read LED display.

In addition, it is a product suitable for industrial use with its various data communication options and durable design.


  • Platform Scales
  • Truck Scales
  • Piece Counting Scales
  • Live Animal Scales

Input Signal Range -19 ~ +19mV
Weight Update Rate 50 times per second
A/D Conversion 20 bit Sigma-Delta analogue-digital
A/D Sampling Frequency 3.84kHz
Load Cell Supply Voltage DC5V/150mA
Display 6-digit, 1.2-inch high LED display
Number of Screen Segments ≤100000d
Serial Port RS232 serial port (static protected) MODBUS-RTU
Operating Temperature -10 ~ +40 °C
Storage Temperature -25 ~ +55 °C
Humidity ≤ 85
Power Supply Mode AC87~242V 0.1A; built-in DC7.4V/4Ah lithium battery

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