Indicateur de Pesage de la Ration MW (plastique ABS)

20 Recipe, 38mm LED, 2×16 LCD Display

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MW+ is a livestock ration weighing indicator designed for feed mixing and distribution wagons. It has a 38mm high 5 digit LED and 2×16 character LCD display which is extremely user friendly. Thanks to this indicator, you can prepare the rations you want and increase the milk yield of your animals.

20 recipes can be prepared, 20 different product names can be entered and 20 different areas can be unloaded. MW+ can also display the amount of feed to be prepared per animal and you can change the number of animals before starting to fill. There is a block button to lock the screen during feed mixing and when the trailer is moving.

It has the ability to work in different languages such as Turkish, English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic. MW+ is not affected by the vibrations of the machine with its ability to calibrate without reference weight and dynamic filtering feature. It can also perform serial communication with RS232.

Its design and software are completely developed by Kobastar engineers and it is 100% Turkish product.


  • Feed mixing and distribution wagons
  • Mobile concrete mixers

Accuracy Class 1/30000
Screen 38mm LED
Second Screen 2×16 LCD
Status Indicators 4 Status LEDs
Keys 10 Mechanical Switch Buttons
ADC Δ-Σ Delta-Sigma 24 bits
A/D Cycle Speed 200 Times / Second
Resolution 0.6μV/e
Load Cell Input 0.1mV ~ +19mV Input Range
Supply Voltage 5V DC Max 150mA
Number of Load Cells Max 8 x 350Ω / 16×700Ω
Calibration mV/V with or without reference weight (CalFree)
Filtering 3 step Digital Vibration Filter
Weight Units Kg, lb, Tonne, Newton
Serial Ports Com1 – Rs232 + External Display
RTC Real Time Date / Time
Energy Supply 9VDC ~ 26VDC
Operating Temperature -10 ~ 40°C Non-condensed. R.H. 85%
Boxing ABS Plastic / Stainless Steel
Weight 2.0 Kg
Dimensions 240x180x80

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