Capteur de contrainte GS-D Capteur de charge

Catégorie :

Strain Sensor

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GS-D Strain sensor is designed for dynamic measurement of instantaneous weight of load carrying vehicles such as trucks.

It is mounted on the axles of these vehicles and calculates the tension on the axles and enables the total weight of the vehicle to be known.

The strain sensors, which are produced enrely from steel with high technology, make reliable measurements with easy assembly

If you would like any more information about shear beam load cells, please contact us and a member of our team would be happy to provide support.


  • Onboard weighing applications
Capacity : 200 Kg
Output Sensivity (FS) : 1.00 ± 0.1mV/V
Zero Balance : ±1 %FS
Total Error : ± 2 %FS
Input Resistance : 350 Ω ± 10 Ω
Output Resistance : 352 Ω ± 3 Ω
Insulation Resistance : ≤ 5000 MΩ (100VDC)
Compansated Temprature : -10 ˜ + 40 °C
Operating Temperature : -30 ˜ + 70 °C
Excitation, Recommended Voltage : 10 VDC
Maximum Excitation Voltage (Umax) : 15 VDC
Safe Overload : 150 % FS
Ultimate Overload : 300 % FS
Ingress Protection (EN60529) : IP 66
Element Material : Alloy steel / Stainless stee
Cable : 4x022mm² / 6Metre

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