B60 Contrôleur de pesage

B60 can convert 3 diffrent load cell signal

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The B60 is a weighing indicator designed for overload control applications. It can convert three different LoadCell input signals (mV/V, 4-20mA, 0-10V). It offers 48 MHz 32-bit ARM CPU, 5-digit red LED indicator, 24-bit Δ ADC internal resolution (1/1,000,000) and high sampling frequency (1280Hz).

It uses a digital filtering algorithm for precise weighing and stabilises the highest weight/force on the display with the Peak Hold feature. It can calibrate without reference weight.


  • Crane overload control applications
  • Force weight control applications

Static weighing accuracy 0.2%~0.5%.
5 digit red LED display
Weighing display range -9,999~+99,999.
Display resolution 1/50,000.
8 Load Cell can be connected (8-350Ω)
24-bit Δ-Σ ADC, 1/1,.000,000.
Sampling frequency 1280Hz.
Display refresh rate 0.01~1.00s.
Normally closed contact 2 Role output. AC250V/DC24V, 1A.
Analogue signal outputs [AO: 4~20mA / 0~20mA / 0~5V / 0~10V]
COM1: Optional Rs232 – COM2: Optional RS485.
Operating voltage DC24V±20%.

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